Commitment Towards Your Goals
Each time we are in a position to advance in your career, our plans, our goals and anything we set out to do...It requires us to be...
Determination Despite Distractions
Our world is full of distractions. One must be laser focused on what they choose to fulfill and bring to life. The best part of having a...
Be Very Careful!
It goes without saying "we are the company we keep." We are judged by the circles we are in, and the groups we hang with. Unfortunately,...
Farewell President Obama
We have watched your every move for the last 8 years. In good and bad times, you have worked tirelessly to make everyone's needs a...
Play The Starring Role
So you made it to 2017 and have survived the worst times of your life... CONGRATULATIONS!! I encourage you to believe in all of the gifts...
If Not You, Then Who?
Sometimes we are faced with decisions for which we weigh all of our options. The decisions may range from what color shirt to wear, to...
Choose Life & Happiness
Life is full of choices and opportunities. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the options - we do what we want to do. In making...
Do You Believe In Miracles?
We sometimes search a lifetime, wishing for "Our Time," "Our Season," Our This & Our That." Then when we are forced to deal with certain...
Write Your Own Story
SO many people depend on the opinions of others to set the standards for their life. They actively search for what people think of them....
Don't Believe The Hype
We all know someone who has been "Brow-Beaten" by those they love the most. There are so many stories of people who had promising dreams,...